Parametric Equations for Space Curves Whose Spherical Images Are Slant Helices

Recherche Scientifiques

Parametric Equations for Space Curves Whose Spherical Images Are Slant Helices

Abderrazzak EL HAIMI, Malika IZID & Amina OUAZZANI CHAHDI


The curve whose tangent and binormal indicatrices are slant helices is called a slant-slant helix. In this paper, we give a new characterization of a slant-slant helix and determine a vector differential equation of the third order satified by the derivative of principal normal vector fields of a regular curve. In terms of solution, we determine the parametric representation of the the slant-slant helix from the intrinsic equations.

Finally, we present some examples of slant-slant helices by means of intrinsic equations.


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